The website includes several accessibility features, described below.
The comic is best viewed on desktop or an iPad.
Comics Transcript
The transcript for Alexander, The Servant & The Water of Life is written in the style of a prose novel, divided into snippets that accompany each comics page.
A transcript snippet can be found inside the Author’s Comment below the relevant comics page, viewable by clicking on a dropdown toggle. It will be labelled by the book number, chapter title and page numbers.
A version of the transcript that collects all snippets into a single document will be available when each volume is completed, to be released alongside its companion ebook edition. Links on where to purchase and download this document will be attached below.
As each volume finishes, an ebook will be released that collects all of the pages. This will allow you to read the comic in an ebook device or program best suited for you and zoom in without the hassle of clicking. Again, because of the format, the font itself cannot be customised. Please refer to the transcript if you experience some difficulty. The ebooks and full transcript documents can be purchased and downloaded from the Hivemill Store when they are available (store link in the navigation menu above).
Image Descriptions
The website endeavours to provide captions or alternate text below each non-comics image where possible. Do note that only one person is running the entire place, so slip-ups may occur. If you noticed I missed a spot somewhere, please send me an email. Does not apply to images attached to user comments, external link embeds, or advertisements.
On Mobile and Desktop, Comics Navigation
Tapping or clicking on the comics page will take you the next page in sequence.
Age Rating
The comic itself is Age 15+, preferably with parental or teacher guidance. Due to its subject matter, it touches on war and death, and features blood, gore and traumatic events. The severity of the story is equivalent to any secondary school assigned literature that deals with those same themes, but the (normally classy, stylised) visual depiction of death and viscera may be uncomfortable for young readers. Some ancient Greek nudity may be present, but there is no explicitly sexual content.
The comic is best appreciated by a mature audience.
Content Warnings & Index
Due to its subject matter and historical figure, the comic depicts blood, gore (not a lot), war-related violence and tragedy, and death.
Most are concentrated in the middle of Book Two and the beginning of Book Three. If you’re particular about these triggers, check the Author’s Comment below every comic page for early warnings of upcoming sensitive content.
An index is provided below.
- Book One, Chapter Five, Pages 95 to 106: Chariot horses getting injured/killed (not explicit)

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deeds and legends of Alexander the Great. Never miss a single update.
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